Micheale Eccleston purpose is bigger than just Fashion! “How you dress affects the way you feel” and she wants to help, encourage, empower, and mentor women to “Be Their Own Kind of Beautiful” embracing their flaws and all while looking fabulous. With this passion being so close to her heart, Micheale is impacting the lives of women all over the world through Motivational Speaking, her book “Driven by Imperfections,” and just every day interactions! Micheale truly wants to help women with their confidence by sharing her story and providing step by step tools so that women will learn how to love their “Own Brand of Uniqueness.”
Influence: Please introduce yourself to our reading audience.
Hello Everyone! My name is Micheale Eccleston and I am a Fashion Designer, Speaker, Author, Wife, and Mother of two, who was born in Kingston Jamaica. I love bigging up my hometown of Jamaica, because it is the reason, I design the way that I do today and what gives me my unique, sexy, feisty, flare about myself. I have always loved the Fashion and Entertainment business from a very young age. I have been in the Fashion Industry for over a decade, but my days in the Fashion Industry started off as a teenage girl desperate to walk the runways of major Fashion Brands. Early on I realized that it probably would never happen due to my height, but it never stopped that fire inside of me to keep going. I became the youngest Modeling and Acting Instructor at John Casablancas at the young age of 16 and I started to pursue my acting career. In the quest of pursuing my dreams in the Acting Industry, I was featured in movies and TV shows like Mean Girls 2, Vampire Diaries, and Footloose.
As I got older my passion for fashion or acting never went away, but I took a pause to get my college degree, get married and have a baby. Everything seemed so perfect on the outside, but deep inside I felt like something was missing. I searched my heart and followed my passion back into the Fashion Industry and now I am the proud owner of two different Fashion Brands. I have always said that “Everything happens for a reason,” and I know that through my life journey despite the ups and downs that I talk about in my book “Driven By Imperfections,” that it has made me the Entrepreneur, Fashion Designer, Speaker, Author, Wife, Mother, and Woman I am
Influence: What made you want to become an entrepreneur?
There are some people in life who are fortunate to have talents, gifts, or even desires of things they want to do or accomplish in their life and I was one of them. I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be or dress the stars I saw walking the red carpets of their movie premiers or award ceremonies. It is really kind of hard to describe, but I knew I also just wanted to be my own boss! I truly think it was the leader in me. Growing up in school or even when you on on job interviews, people like to ask the question, “Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower?” My answer was always a leader! When you the know the type of person you are, be proud of it and don’t shun from it. Even though I graduated at the top of my class in college in receiving my teaching degree, I did not have the passion to teach anymore and I was tired of working in cooperate America doing a regular 9 to 5 that brought me no joy, passion, or purpose. I had a desire deep in my heart that I wanted to fulfill and that is what made me walk out of my job 2 1/2 years ago on the brink of a promotion.
Influence: What would you tell your 21 year old self?
I would tell my 21-year-old self that the “Sky is the limit.” You can do anything you put your mind to and you do not have to wait until you get older to start pursuing your dreams. As a matter of fact, I wish I started my Entrepreneurial journey earlier because of so much time I waisted doing other things. We sometimes follow this road map that society tells you to follow: When to go to college, when to get married, when to have babies. We need to stop following the road map others have mapped out for our lives and follow the road map you feel pushing you or driving you in your heart. If I could go back in time, I would tell my 21-year-old self to not let anyone tell you that you are not good enough, old enough, or even smart enough, because anything you set your mind to you can accomplish!
Influence: What do you want to say to the woman who doesn’t feel like she’s good enough to make it in the marketplace?
There is room for everyone to grow and prosper in whatever industry you desire. If every competitor felt the way you felt, then we would not have multiple fast-food restaurants, clothing stores, gas stations, and the list goes on and on. At the end of the day, people love variety and choices. Your tribe will find you and follow you, and if you have a dream then you should pursue it with all your heart and live life to the fullest with no regrets.
Influence: What do you want people to know about you?
I want people to know that even though I come off as a very colorful, exuberant, and outgoing person, I am actually an introvert at heart that loves spending time at home with just my husband and kids. I also want people to know that I am someone that goes through pain, struggle, stress, and everything else just like the rest of you. I titled my book “Driven By Imperfections Flaws and All” because despite my adversity I push on. Despite my flaws and struggles, I persevere. Life is not always going to be easy, but having a close relationship with God and like-minded individuals around me is what has and will continue to keep me strong.
Influence: How can people stay connected?
If you want to stay connected with me, you can always follow me on Instagram at @ME_TheCEO, or you can stay connected with me at any of my websites below:
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