Please introduce yourself and your business to our reading audience. My name is Tammorra Golder, founder of Bishop Golder Academy Youth and Family Restoration, INC, SMART Grow Kingdom Assignment, and Kingdom Assignment International Prayer Call: “The Return of the Prodigal Son which she and her staff have partner with men and women in 9 states and one country believing God for restoration and reunification for their prodigal. Overall, Tammorra’s assignment is to lead people to a place of refuge, restoration and reunification with God and family.
Tell us why you feel compelled to help others. 2019 Indiana Kids Count Data Book reported, in the state of Indiana there are 282, 000 children in poverty and 412, 000 children’s parent who lack secure employment. These two factors are the leading cause of children being displaced outside their home, decrease in high school graduate rate, increase in juvenile delinquency which leads to pipelines to prison.
What can people expect from you in 2020? The past 10 years positioned me for this new decade 2020. As I migrated into year 2020 it declared a clarion kingdom call my life from preparation, to possession and occupation. In 2020, I’m positioned to take hold of my kingdom responsibility and occupy the assignments God has given me.
What is one motto that you live by? I am an Advocate for Relationships, Restoration and Reunification for Marriage and Families. I believe in the Power of Love.
What would the 21 year old Tammorra tell the Tammorra of today? The 21year old Tammorra would tell the Tammorra of today, I’ve been waiting on you to embrace me and to discover me. Thank you for finding and setting me free.
How can people stay connected with you? For additional information about Bishop Golder Academy Youth and Family Restoration please visit: bishopgolderacademy.org

Tammorra Golder
Tammorra Golder is the wife of Pastor Cecil E., Jr., and from their union they are the proud parents of two sons, Joseph Cecil and Elisha Michael Golder. Tammorra Golder the founder of Bishop Golder Academy Youth and Family Restoration, INC, SMART Grow Kingdom Assignment, and Kingdom Assignment International Prayer Call: “The Return of the Prodigal Son which 9 states and one country participates in this prayer call. Overall, Tammorra’s assignment is to is to lead people to a place of refuge, restoration and reunification. Tammorra is an ordained minister with Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW). Currently, Tammorra is a Doctoral Candidate, Ph.d student at Indiana State University, Bayh College of Education. She has served in public education for the past 25 years in the Metropolitan School Districts of Indiana.
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