Please introduce yourself and tell us about your organic luxury skincare line: I am a bona fide serial entrepreneur. I have successfully launched books and businesses over the past decade. I’ve partnered with Barnes & Noble for children reading initiatives, assisted youth in developing and launching their business through the Young Entrepreneurship Initiative and so much more. However, that lifestyle led to burnout and took a toll. I needed to readjust my busy lifestyle to focus on living in the present moment as well as nurturing my body from the inside out. It’s been a long road back to the centered life that mimics the peace I hold most valuable and opting for conscious living brought me there.
April Sheris Skincare is a clinical grade, conscious skincare line that accentuates a natural glow while promoting a conscious lifestyle. We go to the highest measures to ensure our line is cruelty-free, vegan, phthalate-free, paraben-free, talc-free, silicone-free, BHT free, BHA free, has no artificial dyes, no artificial fragrances, are all-natural, and are responsibly made in the U.S.

What inspired your entrepreneurial interest in the beauty industry? I’m a fish out of water. I’m a Louisiana native that has called New Mexico home for over seven years. The days of warm, humid weather was long gone and my skin suffered in its absence. I truly needed products that wouldn’t further dry my skin out, would allow my skin to breathe in the hot climate, and also that wouldn’t be filled with additives and chemicals. I soon realized that stating my needs was easier than searching for it. So I connected with a few people in the industry to assess my skin needs but also something that many skin types could use because my children would also need to use it. I found what we needed and so much more. This entrepreneurial interest is more of a passion to share the same great benefits with other skin types but without all the ‘extras’ that come along with product longevity.

Are there any beauty myths you’d like to dispel?
There are two beauty myths I’d like to expel. The first being oil-based cleansing. Some people believe that because I’m an oily skin type that adding excess oils would lead to breakouts. However, that just isn’t the case. Sebum can get into the pores along with dirt and bacteria causing breakouts and water-based cleansers aren’t going to cleanse alone. There are harsh additives that can strip moisture from the skin potentially leading to other skin nightmares. Using an oil-based cleanser allows plant-derived oils to dissolve the sebum trapped in pores while maintaining natural moisture. This will leave you with a more balanced complexion.
The second myth is the idea that topical solutions alone will give the results you are looking for. Flawless skin is a direct reflection of what’s going on in the body. We couple every purchase with suggestions of dietary needs that should accompany our product. A part of conscious living is being fully aware of what goes into your body as the foundation so that topical recommendations can take it even further. So it doesn’t matter how much you place on the skin if the foundation inside isn’t there one couldn’t support the other effectively.
What is next for you and your brand in 2020?
2020 is our year of expansion. We look to curate more immersive experiences allowing us to connect with our customer base in real life while raising brand awareness for attendees that may be new to us. There is truly no better way to share who we are as a brand and what our customers are looking for from us. We also will be partnering with boutiques that align with our ‘conscious living’ mission making it even easier to purchase the line.
How can readers order products and follow the brand online?
April Sheris Skincare products can be purchased at www.aprilsheris.com and we look to connect with everyone on all social outlets as @aprilsheris.glow

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