What is your definition of success?
Simply put … Success is what YOU make it. It is a journey that requires you to know – confidently know what makes you happy in your core and setting goals and objectives that lead to achieving that level of happiness and not succumbing to someone else’s version of success; because in the grand scope of things, success is an individualized preference that looks different to each of us based on our own desires in life, and that’s how it should be. People tend to think that success is about wealth and money or even more, they equate social media likes and following to success (which is highly misleading). While those things are great, they do not measure success and the happiness level is only for a moment. The key to success starts with self-discovery and asking yourself, “what makes me truly happy?” and then analyzing the things that you’ve already accomplished that may place you one step closer to achieving that overall thing – you’ll be surprised to discover that most of us are already successful but we get too caught up in what others depict as success and try to live for them instead of ourselves.
What would you do differently if you could go back 3 years?
While I do believe that timing is everything, I think if I were to go back three years I would have reallocated some funds and invested in building my support team a little sooner. I was at a peak in my business that catapulted me to the next level very quickly and even though I handled it with ease and grace, I wasn’t necessarily prepared for the overflow and at a point, business became stressful – and you never want that feeling of stress and burnout as an entrepreneur. In hindsight, having a team would have been the best thing for me to do at that time because shortly thereafter, my health took a turn.

Do you believe that one is truly the master of their fate and the ruler of their destiny? Why or why not?
I believe that in this life, we are all in partnership with a higher power – for me, that higher power is GOD. Without taking anything from my faith in GOD and his work – with whom I believe has the ultimate voice over our lives; this statement implies that it is me who determines what my future will look like and that I am in sole control of how it plays out and where I land. And while that is true to a degree, I also believe that our lives were already written – already designed. The plan was already set the day we were born. And in this life, we are faced with trials and tribulations – situations and circumstances that are designed to grown us mentally, spiritually, and emotionally to prepare us for the life that was laid out before us. And it is up to us how we handle those circumstances that will determine where we end up next. We are given the choice to be the best versions of ourselves through our actions and decisions. We were born equipped and we have to make good on what was already designed by injecting positive, productive actions that will lead us to our greatness.
What is the legacy that you want to leave?
Having seen, gone through, and achieved much in this life, I believe my biggest impact lives on through my story. I serve others from the heart based on the things that I’ve lived through and those things have made me humble – yet radical as a leader. And therefore, I want my legacy to be just that. I want to leave this universe having inspired and developed other heart-centered leaders to be fearless and bold (in spite of what they’ve gone through in life). To step out of the shadows of others and live life on their own terms – in their own way – regardless of what others may think and feel. I want them to invest as much in others as they do in themselves and pay forward their success to continue building more generations of radical leaders. People – and how you treat them – is what matters in this world; and while you can’t change every soul, I believe you can impact the hearts of the people you lead. I think Michelle Obama said it best, “Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in the lives of others.” I’m here to make a difference and be the example of the change that I want to see in the world … as long as I’m doing my part in that – then I’ve fulfilled my role in this life.
What’s next for you in 2020?
As I beam with excitement on what is forthcoming, I can share that 2020 is very promising for me. I spent the past year really defining and fine-tuning my mission and ensuring that it aligns with my purpose and who I’m serving. I’m excited to announce that I will be opening the virtual doors to my online coaching academy – Dream Achievers Coaching Academy this January. We will be one of few entities offering CCE certification courses and Life Coaching Certification under the same hub. Our first cohort starts January 20, 2020. Additionally, this is my season for collaborations and increased visibility. So this upcoming year will reflect just that. I have two book projects in the arsenal (one is a collaborative and the other is my legacy project – which will complete my era of personal development book writing; I will be focusing more on producing business guides and how to’s). I have partnered with several industry gladiators to provide several business-focused workshops throughout the year to truly give entrepreneurs real value and the tools they need to build successful brands – ones that they can completely fall in love with and enjoy. I’m very excited about this because more and more I am finding that the entrepreneurial community is in dire need of business substance and meat – and the truth of the matter is that not everyone can fork over $10k+ to get strategy. My goal is to help at minimum 100 women this year achieve their version of business success.
Meet Bonita Parker
Bonita Parker is purposeful and extremely gifted at one thing–helping you bridge the gaps between your unique superpower and your business bank account. She is the creator of the Dream Achieve! Win Academy™ – an online coaching platform that provides continual learning workshops, online trainings and success resources to entrepreneurs to help them get crystal clear on their purpose and generate multiple streams of income from what they already know and love doing.
As a nationally recognized transformational Speaker, international bestselling Author and Radical Success Coach, Bonita uses her 12+ years of superior business savvy to help entrepreneurs reach their highest potential using the same proven strategies and techniques that propelled her into a consistent 5-figure monthly earner as an entrepreneur. She consistently births new business brands, help clients monetize their passions, and help them scale up by doing what they love doing.
After a life-changing battle with Stage IV metastatic breast cancer, in December 2017, Bonita stepped out on faith and got radical about her journey towards making massive impact in the world. She founded her nonprofit, the Hope for Pink Foundation, an organization that educates and advocates for the fight against breast cancer and provides direct support services to women and men currently battling, living with, or in support of someone in active cancer treatment. Her mission is to ensure that all warriors have the support and resources they need to come out victoriously on the other side of cancer.
She has appeared on the Dr. Oz Show and featured in the Chicago Tribune, Atlanta Journal, SHEEN Magazine, cocoaFAB Magazine, Glambitious Magazine, STS Magazine, DOZ International Magazine, and several local and online media outlets.
Learn more at www.bonitaparker.com. For booking and appearances, please email [email protected].
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