Please introduce yourself to our audience.
My name is Portia Hoover! I’m an entrepreneur, lane creator, leap jumper, mover, shaker & motivational speaker! And some people refer to me as “The plug:
(laughter) .
Tell us about your business.
There’s so much to my business, but my main objective is to help women become entrepreneurs, make extra income & turn all that creativity they have into big coins.
Please introduce yourself to our audience.
My name is Portia Hoover! I’m an entrepreneur, lane creator, leap jumper, mover, shaker & motivational speaker! And some people refer to me as “The plug:
(laughter) .
What are you currently working on?
Oh wow! I have a lot of projects that I’m working on that you will hear about soon. Outside of that, I’m working with clients on branding, that I’m super excited about. I’m coaching women that’s in my ” Girl Build me up program” creating content to help others grow in their business, and of course getting people into my dropshipping course called “Level up” I have been super busy, I just got back in town from Indianapolis, teaching a workshop.
What does the word influence mean to you?
influence to me means, being able to change someone in an indirect way, rather it’s good or not so good. Sometimes a person who influences doesn’t intend to have any effect, but sometimes they are using influence to only benefit themselves.
How do you bounce back after a setback!?
Well, I have my hands in all kind of things, because I love to learn and create new lanes, and while doing that, and being green to it, I run into obstacles, that has caused me to have to launch things later than expected, but I don’t freak out, I always laugh at myself because I’m a goofball, and I take not of it all and dive back in to complete it.

Portia Hover
How can people stay connected with you?
My Facebook is Portia Hoover
My IG is Portia_Hoover
Boss Of Vision on Facebook
Portia Hoover
You just go so happy for you . you turly a blessing to many of us. God bless u .
Portia is amazing. Thanks for creating so many lanes for women all around
How can I reach other women to connect with you from odd demographic there’s still a mass of women looking to do what your doing. And come up from the ashes. Like myself.
How can I reach other women to connect with you from odd demographic there’s still a mass of women looking to do what your doing. And come up from the ashes. Like myself.
Portia is amazing, she is definitely a go getter and doesn’t mind bringing people along. Way to go lady.
Porsha you are such an Inspirational, motivational asset to many of us. A true Godsend 👑