Let’s Help You Find & Forge Your Own Path!

Success looks different to everyone. The real question becomes what are you willing to do to obtain the success in your life that you dream about, fantasize about, long for? How bad do you really want it? What are you willing to give up to get it? For every new level of success, comes a new level of sacrifice. If you’re willing to put in the hard work, work with someone who will be there coaching and mentoring you every step of the way, then success is and will be your portion.

Dr.Jessica L. Braidden, Steward-Owner of The MizCEO Entrepreneurial Media Brand and Deborah’s Place for Battered Women


*WBENC- WBE Certified
*Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award Receipient

Luke 1:45 (KJV)
And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.

“Expect a miracle” !

Are you looking to make your brand profitable and scale your business?

Are you looking to attract the right kind of paying clients?

If you answered yea to either one of those questions, let’s have a conversation to see if I’m the right execution coach for you.

Thank You To New York City For Showing Us At MizCEO Appreciation By Featuring Our Very Own Dr.Jessica L.Braidden For Being Great Mentor Amongst Other Dreams She Has Pursued And Accomplished.

BizJournals.com Full Article

Are you ready to take your brand to the next level?

Are you ready to know how to operate your business if ALL walk away?

Book your FREE 20 minute consultation today!

Career Building

Do you feel stuck in your career? Work with someone who knows what it takes to get senior management attention and have them seek out your expertise.

Personal Life Coaching

Discover proven methodologies that will help you take your life and career to the next level.

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“As a business woman and television personality; One of my biggest dreams was to start my small business consulting firm. I knew I had experience and definitely something to bring to the table to assist small business owners but I lacked the know how to get started. The MIZ CEO Coaching curriculum gave us amazing tips and step by step techniques to hit the ground running! Thanks so much Jessica.”

– Nakita Whittaker

Working with Jessica Mosley has been such a blessing. When you have a purpose and you need someone to help you gain more exposure, Jessica is the person to turn to. She is authentic, phenomenal, professional and creative. She is a Diva! She knows how to make you look and feel like a million dollars.”

 – Cheryl Peav

“Jessica delivers on her word; her ‘Can-Do’ attitude has resulted in me gaining real traction within my target market. She listens, advises and takes action. I look forward to kicking more goals with Jessica as I continue to level up at a rapid pace..”

– Dr. Yolanda Jerry